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Feminine Hygiene Tips to Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis and Odor

Feminine hygiene is the cleaning of the internal genitalia, including the cervix, vulva, and vagina. Feminine hygiene products, such as from concept hygiene, are usually personal hygiene products used before vaginal discharge, vaginal intercourse, and other internal bodily activities related to the vagina and vulva. Those products which are used before menstruation can also be described as pre-menopausal feminine hygiene products.

The categories of feminine hygiene products include pads, sanitary napkins, cleansing cloths, and sponges. These products, when used properly, provide a clean, dry environment for the woman to prepare for sexual intimacy with her partner. When these products are not used correctly or improperly, they can result in unpleasant odors, irritations, or infections. Because of this, it is important that women learn the proper procedures and practices associated with feminine hygiene products to ensure the protection of their most private parts.

Feminine hygiene product stains can be avoided by simply wiping your period product using a moist towel or washcloth. To wipe your pads or tampons, first identify which type of product (pad or tampon) you are using and then moisten the towel or washcloth with water. Then, put the item between two sheets to absorb any water that may drip off. Wipe your pads or tampons with this same moist towel or washcloth until the water dries. This simple process will prevent stains from occurring on your feminine hygiene supplies.

Using cotton is a great way to reduce odor and to reduce friction while you are inserting and removing your tampons or pads. However, using cotton also means that the vagina can lose its natural moisture. In addition to causing irritation and discomfort, this can promote the growth of bacteria and fungus. Using a cotton menstrual pad, pillow cases, or any other feminine hygiene product made from cotton requires the use of natural cotton. There are a number of 5-star and organic feminine hygiene products available in the marketplace today that provide a comfortable, natural alternative to cotton.

To further reduce the risk of infection, avoid using disposable feminine hygiene products, such as pads or tampons. These items are full of bacteria and often contain chemicals, which can irritate the vagina and promote the growth of harmful bacteria and fungus. Instead, purchase a pad or tampon that is made of natural cotton but is approved for sanitary use. These pads can easily be found at any health food store, pharmacy, or online retailer.

In addition to cleaning your vagina, it's important that you clean your surrounding area, as well. This includes using quality feminine hygiene products and following a daily regimen of cleansing. When choosing a cleansing product, always choose those that are made with only natural ingredients. For the best results, use a cleansing product that contains tea tree oil, which has been found to have exceptional qualities when it comes to eliminating bacteria and helping to restore the natural pH level of the vagina and its surrounding area. After a few weeks of consistent cleansing, you will begin to notice a change in the appearance of the odor and discomfort that you experience during each period. Check out more at

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